
Commuting, physical strength, and diet

Commuting, was it you who made me exercise...? At the end of 2019, my child was born, and I started parental leave. Two months later, the COVID-19 pandemic began. After finishing parental leave, I spent three and a half years working remotely. A typical day of remote work looked like this: I wake up, get ready, and my wife takes our child to daycare. After taking out the trash, I begin work. I work at my desk until evening, then pick up my child. After dinner and a bath, we put our child to bed, and eventually, I go to sleep at a suitable time. Besides picking up and dropping off my child, I hardly walked, so I rarely moved my body on weekdays. On weekends, walking to the station was the closest thing to exercise I did. When I moved back to my hometown, where life was more car-centered, I distanced myself even further from exercise. The drop-offs, pick-ups, and weekend outings were all by car, drastically reducing my walking opportunities. I spent two years in that state, walking barel...

Introducing my favorite manga in a straightforward manner

Dandadan (ダンダダン) Even though it's a manga, it's captivating with its movements. The dynamic composition, the pleasant characters, and the epic, scary enemies make this an irresistible work. It's the best. The drawings are endlessly good. The interpretation of the supernatural phenomena that we've seen many times before is fresh and surprising, but not surprising at the same time. It's an easy read. The Witch's Servant and the Demon King's Horn (魔女の下僕と魔王のツノ) Completed. What is gender? What is race? What is position? A work that continues to ask these questions in a humorous and serious way. I like the little jokes. It's the best. I like the protagonist's tragic misfortune and the characters who love him. I like all the characters. I am both comforted and infuriated by the author's unique abnormal creatures. Two people smoking behind the supermarket (スーパーの裏でやにすうふたり) In the smoking area behind the supermarket, the man and the girl are at an exquisit...

Windows 11 で指紋認証を設定する方法

設定を開き、「サインイン オプション」を選択 指紋認識を選択 開始する、をクリック PIN を入力する  指紋認証に使う指を何度か、青い指紋のマークが灰色の部分を覆うまで離してタッチしてを繰り返す 私は外部ディスプレイの左側にノートPCを置くことが多いので、左手人差し指に設定しました。 これでできたので、必要であれば「指の追加」を押す。

Linkedin のつながりリクエストにメールアドレスが要求される場合

【つながりリクエストの送信に相手のメールアドレスの入力が必要な理由】 https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a539881?lang=ja-JP 設定の問題であれば、以下を変更すれば解決。  [データ] > [プライバシー] > [つながりリクエスト] > [すべてのLinkedInメンバー (推奨)]にチェックを入れる


公式 DL/Install https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install 公式 https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/title-page.html 日本語版 https://doc.rust-jp.rs/ その他 https://www.net.in.tum.de/fileadmin/bibtex/publications/theses/2018-ixy-rust.pdf


生活 嫁さんの姉の家にお手伝いに いろいろもらえた。ベビーカーを初めて押したきがする 嫁さんと一緒に出産準備のリストをまとめた Google Spread Sheet に。両方ともこういうの触れると便利 DMM英会話 なかなか詰まったり集中できなかったりした…集中できてない時でも聞けたり話せたりするようになりたい。 cuisine 料理 breathed 息をする boring うんざりする、退屈


DMM英会話 There are five members in his family. She doesn’t have families. residence